Every time I use traditional non stick cookware, I cringe a little, as I imagine the dreadful chemicals leaching from the pot into the food. I thought about switching to cast iron but besides the $$$ the pans are just WAY too heavy. That's why I was so happy to find
this pan. What a smart idea! The coating reminds my of the enameled spatterware people use for camping but it's very slippery and seems to be really tough so it shouldn't chip as easily.
Nothing and I mean nothing sticks to this pan. It's not a cheap item, but I used one of the 20% off coupons I receive on a regular basis from Bed, Bath & Beyond, which eased the pan. So far, I've only purchased the 10 inch skillet, but plan to add more to my collection as the budget permits.
Another recent 20% off purchase is the Super Glove. I guess they sell something much like it on TV and call it the Ov Glove. Please. I would have had serious qualms about purchasing something with a name that precious, but my Super Glove suits me just fine. Now I can really get a firm grip on hot heavy pans which makes baking feel much more secure. I only have one so far; another item for my 'when I have some spare cash' list which looks like it might be somewhere around July, 2014.
Here is a simple and tasty
frittata recipe from Everyday Food. Perfect for two with leftovers for lunch.
Apple Cheddar Frittata8 large eggs (recipe calls for 2 white too but I didn't add those)
4 ounces coarsely grated white cheddar
salt and pepper
1 T butter
2 apples, peeled, cored and cut into 1/8 inch thick slices. The recipe calls for Gala but I used locally grown Fireside apples. One of the best apples around and developed not too far from here. Read more about this interesting apple and my even more favoritest, the Connell Red,
1. Preheat oven to 450 and set rack in top third. (Note to self, move rack down one notch from the usual position so handle has room). In a medium bowl, mix the eggs and cheese and season well with salt and pepper. Add the cheese. Melt the butter over medium flame in the skillet and pour the egg mixture in. I put some toasted walnuts in with the melting butter, but they didn't add anything special.
2. While it cooks 1 to 2 minutes, quickly arrange the apple slices in a circle pattern around the middle and then in another course around the edge. Move quicker than I did so you don't overcook.
3. Transfer the skillet to the oven and bake until set. For me, this took way less than the 20 minutes called for in the recipe, but I left it on the top of stove too long so the longer timing might be just about right.
4. Let cool 5 minutes before slicing and enjoying.