Friday, September 26, 2008

Friday 5: Fall

Well, here it is, FALL! As the nights turn cooler and the leaves begin to turn here are a few questions to ponder:

1. What are the sights, sounds, smells, feelings, tastes, that say "fall" to you?
2. What do you love about fall?
3. Is there anything you are less fond of? What?
4. What are some favorite fall memories for you?
5. And what events or activities are you looking forward to THIS fall?

Bonus question: Does the word "fall" evoke different thoughts/feelings/memories for you than "autumn"? Say a few words about why or why not.


Chris said...

1. Fresh apples, crisp days, leaves skittering along the street, whisps of clouds fluttering across the face of the moon....
2. Everything!
3. Well, I'm not fond of those hot days that sometimes sneak into October.
4. Going to the apple orchard to pick apples, jumping in leaf piles, making tiny dishes out of acorn cups....
5. I think I need to go find some acorns!

Lorraine said...

1. The turning leaves, cool crisp days and nights, some very sad and dreary November days, football, the smell of apples, the taste of candy corn and apple cider, the first cozy night in my winter "jammies". A nice, warm sweater, cold cheeks.
2. I love when the yellow leaves fall and make a carpet of gold around the trees. Beautiful full moons. Thanksgiving. Taking a long walk on a crisp day.
3. Feeling the long dark of winter creeping up on me. Sodden leaves clogging the gutter.
4. I loved taking long walks through harvested fields, a football game on a crisp night in High School (Marching Band!)
5. Cozying up on a cool night. Some walks kicking through fallen leaves. A nap on a rainy afternoon. Cider. Thanksgiving.

Autumn seems more formal, fall more everyday. Autumn is grand vistas of blazing trees, fall is a tramp through the mud. Autumn is a nice fire with apples roasted in the fireplace, fall is a hayride and bonfire with s'mores.

Sue said...

1. All things apple; pears, too, and local grapes and wild plums; geese gathering and making a racket; asters and sedum and mums blooming; pumpkins and cornstalks
2. All of the above plus cool nights and mornings
3. The days getting short; back to school busyness
4. One favorite memory: when Abe and I went for a walk on the Woodville trail and befriended (or were befriended by) the sweetest little Halloween kitten - black and orange and white calico
5. Returning to Bayfield for a couple nights to mark our two year anniversary; making grape jelly