Saturday, September 27, 2008

My first race!

Oh, a perfect day for a run, sunny, and not too hot! I was more nervous than I realized and was so grateful to be with Holly, a veteran runner, who showed me all the logistics and little rituals that go with the territory. The beginning, being in the midst of all those people, was a little nerve-wracking, since I am a solitary runner, but after things thinned out a little, I just pounded along, able to be very focused. My official time was 31:35, but I started pretty far back in the pack of 3,000, so maybe the real time was 30-60 seconds less, and almost exactly what I expected. The worst moment was just at the finish line, when I had a moment of awful nausea, but that passed quickly, and I was able to enjoy the feeling of finishing! My time put me about in the middle of the pack for my age group, not bad for a first outing!

Congrats to Holly, 3rd in her age group!

Many thanks to my supporters, especially Dad and Mom, who have been cheering me along so faithfully!

Love to all!
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meg said...

Awesome job, Lorraine! I'm totally impressed both by your decision to start running and to do a race. How long was it again? And are you planning on doing another?

Sue said...

You look so fit and happy in the photo. Glad to hear it went well.

Baba Jeanne said...

Congratulations! What a magnificent achievement! You look wonderful in the photo - healthy, happy, strong.