Saturday, May 17, 2008

Homemade Pizza 2: The dough

In the last episode of Homemade Pizza, you'll recall that I vowed to cut back on the volume of dough. So here's the recipe I'm going to try today:

Dough (adapted from the Olive Oil Dough recipe from this really good book)
2 1/4 cups lukewarm water (push the tap all the way back and a little to the left of center)
1 generous T yeast
1 generous T salt
2 t sugar
1/4 scant cup EVOO
5 1/2 cups flour (this time, I used closed to 4 cups of whole grain spelt; the rest all purpose)

Let the water, yeast, salt and sugar brew for about 5 minutes before putting in the oil and flour. Mix with a spoon and hands and put it to rest on the counter for 2 hours. Knead for about 3 minutes, adding barely enough flour to make it workable. Put it in the refrigerator until ready to form and rest again before prebaking and topping.

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

So, how was the pizza?