Friday, May 30, 2008

Friday 5: Five in a Row

1. Name one thing you do everyday.

2. Name two things you wish you could learn.

3. Name three things that remind you of your childhood.

4. Name four things you love to eat but rarely do.

5. Name five things that make you feel good.

courtesy of


Lorraine said...

1. Brush my teeth
2. Play the piano, speak another language well
3. The smell of new-mown grass, singing old hymns, driving through flat farmland
4. Peanut butter cookies, anything al fredo, mango, really good french fries, fried chicken
5. A good night's sleep, eating soup and cornbread on a cold night, running, putting lotion on my skin, curling up with a good book, working in my garden on a nice day -- oh, wait, that's 6!

Sola Gratia said...

1. Sneeze. 2. Hmm...Violin and Hebrew. 3. Mom's floral print t-shirt, mud, and Border collies. 4. Apple Pie! 5. Reading a good book, waking up from a short nap, writing, showering, and eating several grapes at once.

Sue said...

1. Brush my teeth.
2. How to ride a horse, how not to want more than I have
3. Smell of saffron, sound of a baseball game being broadcaset on the radio, smell of church basements
4. Any kind of pie, German chocolate cake, fried cheese curds, double bacon cheeseburgers
5. Singing harmony, stretching, a good night's sleep, clean sheets and a fresh towel, walking with any one of my three favorite male companions