Saturday, May 3, 2008

Homemade Pizza, part 2

Deviating again from the method outlined in the book, I took the dough out of the container at about 1:15 and kneaded it with floury hands on a floury surface, adding a bit more flour as I went. Didn't knead a ton - maybe 3 minutes. Just enough to get the dough smooth and to work the flour in. Then, back into the container with the dough, back on with the 'cover' and then...

Well, normally, I would put the dough in the fridge at this point, but since our nice new refrigerator decided to stop working on Thursday, I put it on the front porch instead. It's a cool day and with the wind chill, the temp may be around fridge level.

And there I'll let it sit all afternoon.

1 comment:

Sola Gratia said...

Mmm. I can't wait. I love pizza. Especially homemade.