Saturday, March 29, 2008

Do you GoodSearch?

We've recently moved our home page from Google to GoodSearch, a search site that raises money for (at last count) 56,000 non profits. The only drawback I've found so far is that you have to reenter your chosen charity each time you start up. I usually stick with the group that brought me to GoodSearch in the first place, namely Beaver Creek Reserve, but if you're like Abe, you'll shop around and find a new charity everyday. You can also shop through the site at popular web retailers, like Amazon and Zappos; the latter donates 6% of sales initiated through GoodSearch to your charity. The way I see it, you can't lose by searching and shopping via GoodSearch.


Lorraine said...

Great idea! I sent it on to Rosemary. I have bookmarked it, and hope that will do the trick. I get nervous when I see something about how "easy" it is to change this and that, "all you have to do is click on this and follow the directions" and it never turns out to be that easy, for me, at least . . .

Sola Gratia said...

GoodSerach might be a good idea, but what about GoodSearch? Sorry, mom ;).