Saturday, March 22, 2008

Reality Check

This is my first experience with blogging, and when I expressed some hesitation about how "public" it feels, Sue said: "Oh, it's not really going to be that public, no one will actually READ it!" I laughed so hard! Nothing like a sister to rescue you from a sense of your own importance!

But then: why on earth even do it? Sue said one reason she is doing this is to overcome HER hesitations about expressing herself in writing. Scribbling my thoughts ad nauseum is no problem for me, so I suppose I am doing this to overcome my self-consciousness about having other people read what I've written. My fears: What if someone disagrees with me? Or criticizes me? What if I hurt or offend someone? Or get my facts wrong? What if I have nothing worth saying?

Well, since no one is going to read it, I guess I don't have to worry about what I say. I'll get the luxury of putting my stuff out there without actually having to be concerned with what people think. Maybe that will toughen my hide a bit!


Sue said...

Well at least two people have read your post - me and Cindy. That's the start of a following.

Sola Gratia said...

I have too. But you know, I hated it. I really did. Why post something like that?

Hope that overcomes your featr of people disagreeing with you...

;) I'm kidding, obviously.

(This is Mos, by the way.)

Lorraine said...

Also, nothing like a sister or 2 to show support!