Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday 5: Trees

Since mid afternoon yesterday, we've added 9 beautiful trees to our yard. Look for an upcoming post with pictures soon.
In the meantime, let's talk about trees:
1. What trees do you have in your yard or on your street?
2. Have you ever hugged a tree? Why or why not?
3. Do you have a tree-related memory?
4. When building our new house, we skipped the fancy granite countertops and planted trees instead. If you were building a new house, would you make a similar choice? Explain.
5. If you knew you were going to be stranded on a desert island, what 5 trees would you take with you?


Lorraine said...

Congrats on the trees!
1. Rose of Sharon. There is a beautiful maple across the street. Gorgeous in the fall. I'm not so great at ID'ing trees, but there are some in the park that lay down a carpet of gold in the fall.
2. Yes. Because they are beautiful and deeply rooted in our lovely earth.
3. Yes. When we lived in Ferndale, I remember the trees in the park seemed so big. One day it snowed a lot,but Mom didn't know school had bee canceled, and sent Cindy and me to school, and I remember we made it across the street and then sat down under a tree because we couldn't walk any further. Also, in the side yard, there was a cherry tree, and I used to climb up into it and read. Also, when we lived down the street on Sheridan, Dad put a tire swing on a branch of that really big tree. I spent a lot of time there. There are more . . .
4. Yes, probably. No jacuzzis or some of that other fancy stuff, but trees and a deck and lots of flowers and a big veggie plot.
5. Maple, redbud, oak, pine, magnolia.

Sola Gratia said...

1. Well, we have nine beautiful trees in our yard too! What a coincidence! ;)

2. Yes, I've hugged a tree, and I have photographic proof. Why? Beats me. Something comforting about it, I guess.

3. I remember futilely trying to climb the "Belly tree" at the old place. So named for reasons that have long since fallen into the gulf of time.

4. Yeah, probably. Trees, like children, are an investment, whereas cheaper-material counter tops last just as long. Also trees, unlike children, do not need a college education.

5. Hmmm...specific trees or varieties?

Sue said...

1. 1 Autumn Blaze maple, 3 balsam firs, 2 white pines, 3 Black Hills spruce
2. Yes...the most recent time was last Sunday when we were choosing our maple at
3. Like Lorraine, I remember the tire swing in the huge tree next to the garage at Mom & Dad's
4. Why, yes, I would make exactly the same choice! Isn't that a coincidence?
5. Balsam fir to remind me of Christmas, maple to remind me of autumn and to give shade, crabapple to welcome spring, American Elm because Dutch Elm disease would be unknown and paper birch to remember the north woods.