Saturday, April 19, 2008

Friday 5 Bonus: Earth Day!

I know I'm doing this all wrong for one thing it's not Friday and for another it's not Earth Day, but earlier this week, when casting about for Friday 5 ideas, I thought about doing one on Earth Day which I assured myself in my time addled way was the April 25th, just perfect for next week. But you know what - Earth Day is on Tuesday, April 22. I just figured that out. So rather than passing on this golden opportunity, here goes:
1. What one green thing are you doing today that you weren't doing last year?
2. Do you plan to participate in any Earth Day events? Tell more.
3. Are you more likely buy a product that is labeled as 'green' than one that isn't? (read the next question before answering)
4. Do you find the idea of green marketing to be just a little ironic?
5. If you didn't have to work on Tuesday and if you go anywhere, which of the following Earth Day events would you attend. Base your answer on content of the event not location because of course all of us would go to Thailand if we had a chance. Your choices are: a biofuels panel debate in Ellensburg, WA, the assembly of 100,000 monks in Thailand (beautiful picture), a concert of Wendell Berry's poetry set to music in NYC or a fabulous dinner in Hollywood.


Lorraine said...

1. There must be something, but I can't think right now -- I'll have to get back to you.
2. Not really, unless working in my garden counts.
3. Depends. I'm more likely to look at quality and price and then if it's "green", wonderful.
4. Definitely! In fact, I pretty much scorn marketing as a whole endeavor.
5. Thailand, of course! Unfortunately, getting there wouldn't be very "green"!

Sola Gratia said...

1: I am wearing moss-green underwear; my idea of environmental non-conformism

2: Nah. Too much work. I'd rather sit inside the house and post comments on blogs.

3: No, probably not.

4: Yes, definitely.


Sue said...

1. Saving up veggie and fruit scraps for compost.
2. Nope.
3. Nope. I'm more interested in fragrance-free and overall quality.
4. No, I don't find it a little ironic, I find it VERY ironic. I'm very turned off by another trend: breast cancer marketing.
5. They all sound interesting but I'd go for the monks.