Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday 5: Food fads

lifted this from

What are your thoughts on the following food fads? Are they diet gospel or modern quackery? Do you find yourself following any of them?
1. 100 calories
2. Low Carb/Sugar Free
3. Low Fat/Fat Free
4. Trans-Fat Free
5. Whole Grain


Lorraine said...

1. This might be a fad, but I think it's a good idea -- a small amount of a snack food you love -- you get the goods without the guilt, unless you eat 4 packs at once! However, this is EXPENSIVE, and I don't do it.
2 & 3 Well, it depends, I've been thinking about chemicals lately, and if you put in a bunch to replace the sugar and fat, I think you don't know the long-term risks of what you're putting into your body. But if you choose to eat things that are naturally low in sugar and fat, it seems like a good thing. If I am going to eat something sweet, make it real sugar, please!
4. Trans-fat free. I go for this one, similar to the reasons above. 5. I don't think you can go wrong: the less processing the better.
Now, if I could only follow my own advice!

Sue said...

It's scary how much your answers sound like what I wanted to say.
1. The problem, besides the expense, is that I DO eat 4 packs at once, totaling defeating the purpose.
2. I don't worry about carbs and I avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague so this label has no appeal for me.
3. I regularly purchase Low Fat items, like LF sour cream, cream cheese and milk. But if a LF item tastes bad, I go for the full fat.
4. Trans Fats are another thing I fervently avoid.
5. I moderate the wheat in my diet and when I bake I almost always incorporate whole grains, like oat flour, whole grain spelt flour, flax, etc. And, the boys eat whole grain sandwich bread - I'd never consider buying white for them. But we do enjoy the occasionally loaf of sourdough or some chewy ciabatta.