Friday, July 4, 2008

Friday 5: Summer Sensations

I probably should fashion a patriotic Friday 5 since today is the 4th of July, but I don't feel like working that hard. Instead, let's talk about what makes summer, summer.
1) what sight says 'summer' to you?
2) what taste says 'summer' to you?
3) what sound says 'summer' to you?
4) what smell says 'summer' to you?
5) what sensation says 'summer' to you?


Sue said...

1) the blooms of the larger, more flambouyant wildflowers like cow parsnip and black eyed Susans, monarda and thistles
2) home grown strawberries and green beans
3) the annoying hum of lawn mowers and mosquitoes
4) the delightful smell of freshly cut grass
5) humid air and hot sun on skin

Chris said...

1) Sight: the full green of summer foliage
2) Taste: tomatoes
3) Sound: far-off (and not so far-off) fireworks
4) Smell: ozone before a summer storm
5) Sensation: humidity (this is my least favorite thing about Summer!)

Lorraine said...

1. Fireflies, sunsets, kids at the beach, black-eyed Susans, queen of the prairie, perovskia, hostas ...
2. Raspberries, strawberries, Mexican bean salad, corn on the cob, tomatoes, watermelon, yummy grilled food meat and veggies.
3. Lawnmowers, fireworks, thunder, baseball on the radio.
4. Newly-mown grass, the grill, the wormy smell that has nothing to do with worms.
5. A cool breeze after the rain breaks the heat, sunburn

Sola Gratia said...

1. Hmm. I'd say the brat stand at Nilssen's opening up and dandelions.

2. Apple pie!

3. Hmm...fireworks!

4. Gunpowder, cow manure, roses.

5. Setting off fireworks. Which I haven't done this year :(