Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Material Monday (belated): lose a car, gain a Handi-Vac

Yesterday evening, while Dan and I were out shopping for a Handi-Vac and other items for our trip, Dan took a call on his cell phone. We were in the Spudmobile; Joe had borrowed Dan's car for the day while his was being repaired. I knew the call was from Joe and I knew it wasn't good news from Dan's end of the conversation especially when he said, "Yeah, I'll want to get everything out of there." Turned out that Joe had been rear ended on I94 not too far from Baldwin. Thankfully, he walked away without any serious injuries. But the car was totaled.
Dan really liked that car and is now having to tend the whole chain of tasks something like this sets in motion, not the least of which is shopping for a new car. One thing for sure: the new car will not be a compact; just one look at the smashed Taurus and the unsmashed Joe makes one appreciate the safety of mid sized cars.
There really is no connection between the accident and the purchase of the Handi-Vac, except they both happened on the same night. And the accident drained me of any desire to stay up and blog about anything.
Another busy night tonight, so we haven't used the Hand-Vac yet. We're amused at this safety note on the Reynolds' web site:
  • Do not use Vacuum Sealer on body of humans or animals.
I promise, we won't.

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

Well, I'm glad Joe was safe! But too bad about the car! It IS time-consuming to take care of the post-accident details.